
Drug concepts (RxNorm) for "Neo-Predef"

About this data

The following tables show data on active drug concepts associated with the name Neo-Predef.

This product uses publicly available data from the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; NLM is not responsible for the product and does not endorse or recommend this or any other product

Search results for "Neo-Predef"


SynonymNeo-Predef (isoflupredone acetate 1 MG / neomycin 3.5 MG (as neomycin sulfate 5 MG) / tetracaine hydrochloride 5 MG) per 1 GM Topical Powder
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthisoflupredone acetate 0.001 MG/MG / neomycin 0.0035 MG/MG / tetracaine hydrochloride 0.005 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Powder
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1551417)
Brands (RxCUI 1551417)
Drug concepts for "Neo-Predef"