
NDC properties for "Yuflyma Auto-Injector 80 MG/0.8 ML and 40 MG/0.4 ML Starter Pack - Plaque Psoriasis (3 count)" (RxCUI 2668494)

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The tables show NDC propoerties for Yuflyma Auto-Injector 80 MG/0.8 ML and 40 MG/0.4 ML Starter Pack - Plaque Psoriasis (3 count) with the RxCUI 2668494

This product uses publicly available data from the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; NLM is not responsible for the product and does not endorse or recommend this or any other product

Details for Yuflyma Auto-Injector 80 MG/0.8 ML and 40 MG/0.4 ML Starter Pack - Plaque Psoriasis (3 count) (RxCUI 2668494)

Prescribable SynonymYuflyma Auto-Injector 80 MG/0.8 ML and 40 MG/0.4 ML Starter Pack - Plaque Psoriasis (3 count)
RXNAV_STRYuflyma Auto-Injector 80 MG/0.8 ML and 40 MG/0.4 ML Starter Pack - Plaque Psoriasis (3 count)
RxNorm Name{2 (0.4 ML adalimumab-aaty 100 MG/ML Auto-Injector [Yuflyma]) / 1 (0.8 ML adalimumab-aaty 100 MG/ML Auto-Injector [Yuflyma]) } Pack [Yuflyma Auto-Injector 80 MG/0.8 ML and 40 MG/0.4 ML Starter Pack - Plaque Psoriasis]
RxNorm SynonymYuflyma Auto-Injector 80 MG/0.8 ML and 40 MG/0.4 ML Starter Pack - Plaque Psoriasis (3 count)
Related queriesInteractions (for RxCUI 2668494)

NDC Properties

NDC Item 72606004601

NDC 972606-046
NDC 1072606-046-01
NDC Item72606004601
Packaging3 KIT in 1 CARTON (72606-046-01) / 1 KIT in 1 KIT * 2 SYRINGE in 1 TRAY / .4 mL in 1 SYRINGE * 1 SYRINGE in 1 TRAY / .8 mL in 1 SYRINGE
FDA SPL set id759969
Marketing categoryBLA
Marketing effective time low2023-09-29
Marketing statusACTIVE
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