
Drug concepts (RxNorm) for "Tetracaine"

About this data

The following tables show data on active drug concepts associated with the name Tetracaine.

This product uses publicly available data from the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; NLM is not responsible for the product and does not endorse or recommend this or any other product

Search results for "Tetracaine"


SynonymAltacaine 0.5 % Ophthalmic Solution
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine hydrochloride 5 MG/ML
Dosage and FormOphthalmic Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1547773)
Brands (RxCUI 1547773)
Drug concepts for "Altacaine"


SynonymTetcaine 0.5 % Ophthalmic Solution
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine hydrochloride 5 MG/ML
Dosage and FormOphthalmic Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1547775)
Brands (RxCUI 1547775)
Drug concepts for "Tetcaine"


SynonymTetravisc 0.5 % Ophthalmic Solution
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine hydrochloride 5 MG/ML
Dosage and FormOphthalmic Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1547777)
Brands (RxCUI 1547777)
Drug concepts for "Tetravisc"


SynonymNeo-Predef (isoflupredone acetate 1 MG / neomycin 3.5 MG (as neomycin sulfate 5 MG) / tetracaine hydrochloride 5 MG) per 1 GM Topical Powder
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthisoflupredone acetate 0.001 MG/MG / neomycin 0.0035 MG/MG / tetracaine hydrochloride 0.005 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Powder
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1551417)
Brands (RxCUI 1551417)
Drug concepts for "Neo-Predef"


SynonymCetacaine 14 % / 2 % / 2 % Mucosal Spray
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthbenzocaine 140 MG/ML / butamben 20 MG/ML / tetracaine 20 MG/ML
Dosage and FormMucosal Spray
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1722107)
Brands (RxCUI 1722107)
Drug concepts for "Cetacaine"


SynonymNumfast 2 % Topical Cream
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine 20 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Cream
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1733870)
Brands (RxCUI 1733870)
Drug concepts for "Numfast"


SynonymKovanaze (oxymetazoline hydrochloride 0.5 MG/ML / tetracaine hydrochloride 30 MG/ML) Metered Dose Nasal Spray
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strength
Dosage and Formoxymetazoline hydrochloride 0.1 MG/ACTUAT / tetracaine hydrochloride 6 MG/ACTUAT Metered Dose Nasal Spray
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1809056)
Brands (RxCUI 1809056)
Drug concepts for "Kovanaze"


SynonymCetacaine (benzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine 2 % ) Topical Gel
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthbenzocaine 0.14 MG/MG / butamben 0.02 MG/MG / tetracaine 0.02 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Gel
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 209970)
Brands (RxCUI 209970)
Drug concepts for "Cetacaine"


SynonymCetacaine (benzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine 2 % ) Topical Ointment
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthbenzocaine 0.14 MG/MG / butamben 0.02 MG/MG / tetracaine 0.02 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Ointment
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 209971)
Brands (RxCUI 209971)
Drug concepts for "Cetacaine"


SynonymPontocaine 2 % Topical Solution
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine 20 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 211813)
Brands (RxCUI 211813)
Drug concepts for "Pontocaine"


SynonymCetacaine (benzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine 2 % ) Mucous Membrane Topical Solution
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthbenzocaine 140 MG/ML / butamben 20 MG/ML / tetracaine 20 MG/ML
Dosage and FormMucous Membrane Topical Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 543789)
Brands (RxCUI 543789)
Drug concepts for "Cetacaine"


SynonymSynera (lidocaine 70 MG / tetracaine 70 MG) Medicated Patch
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthlidocaine 70 MG / tetracaine 70 MG
Dosage and FormMedicated Patch
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 644290)
Brands (RxCUI 644290)
Drug concepts for "Synera"


SynonymPliaglis (lidocaine 7 % / tetracaine 7 % ) Topical Cream
TypeSemantic Branded Drug
Ingredient and Strengthlidocaine 70 MG/ML / tetracaine 70 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Cream
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 728126)
Brands (RxCUI 728126)
Drug concepts for "Pliaglis"

tetracaine HCl 2 % Topical Cream

Synonymtetracaine HCl 2 % Topical Cream
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine hydrochloride 20 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Cream
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1543158)
Brands (RxCUI 1543158)

TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine hydrochloride 0.02 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Gel
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1543162)
Brands (RxCUI 1543162)

tetracaine hydrochloride 0.5 % Topical Solution

Synonymtetracaine hydrochloride 0.5 % Topical Solution
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine hydrochloride 5 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1546036)
Brands (RxCUI 1546036)

tetracaine hydrochloride 0.5 % Ophthalmic Solution

Synonymtetracaine hydrochloride 0.5 % Ophthalmic Solution
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine hydrochloride 5 MG/ML
Dosage and FormOphthalmic Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1547771)
Brands (RxCUI 1547771)

tetracaine hydrochloride 2 % Ophthalmic Solution

Synonymtetracaine hydrochloride 2 % Ophthalmic Solution
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine hydrochloride 20 MG/ML
Dosage and FormOphthalmic Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1547975)
Brands (RxCUI 1547975)

tetracaine hydrochloride 1 % Ophthalmic Solution

Synonymtetracaine hydrochloride 1 % Ophthalmic Solution
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine hydrochloride 10 MG/ML
Dosage and FormOphthalmic Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1547977)
Brands (RxCUI 1547977)

isoflupredone acetate 1 MG / neomycin 3.5 MG (as neomycin sulfate 5 MG) / tetracaine hydrochloride 5 MG per 1 GM Topical Powder

Synonymisoflupredone acetate 1 MG / neomycin 3.5 MG (as neomycin sulfate 5 MG) / tetracaine hydrochloride 5 MG per 1 GM Topical Powder
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthisoflupredone acetate 0.001 MG/MG / neomycin 0.0035 MG/MG / tetracaine hydrochloride 0.005 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Powder
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1551412)
Brands (RxCUI 1551412)

tetracaine 2 % Topical Cream

Synonymtetracaine 2 % Topical Cream
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine 20 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Cream
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1733865)
Brands (RxCUI 1733865)

oxymetazoline hydrochloride 0.5 MG/ML / tetracaine hydrochloride 30 MG/ML Metered Dose Nasal Spray

Synonymoxymetazoline hydrochloride 0.5 MG/ML / tetracaine hydrochloride 30 MG/ML Metered Dose Nasal Spray
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strength
Dosage and Formoxymetazoline hydrochloride 0.1 MG/ACTUAT / tetracaine hydrochloride 6 MG/ACTUAT Metered Dose Nasal Spray
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1809050)
Brands (RxCUI 1809050)

tetracaine 2 % Topical Ointment

Synonymtetracaine 2 % Topical Ointment
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine 0.02 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Ointment
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 1858385)
Brands (RxCUI 1858385)

tetracaine hydrochloride 20 MG per 2 ML Injection

Synonymtetracaine hydrochloride 20 MG per 2 ML Injection
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strength2 ML tetracaine hydrochloride 10 MG/ML
Dosage and FormInjection
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 198248)
Brands (RxCUI 198248)

benzocaine 20 % / lidocaine 4 % / tetracaine 1 % Topical Cream

Synonymbenzocaine 20 % / lidocaine 4 % / tetracaine 1 % Topical Cream
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthbenzocaine 200 MG/ML / lidocaine 40 MG/ML / tetracaine 10 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Cream
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 2275621)
Brands (RxCUI 2275621)

tetracaine 4 % Topical Gel

Synonymtetracaine 4 % Topical Gel
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine 0.04 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Gel
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 250606)
Brands (RxCUI 250606)

tetracaine 0.3 % Injectable Solution

Synonymtetracaine 0.3 % Injectable Solution
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine 3 MG/ML
Dosage and FormInjectable Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 252592)
Brands (RxCUI 252592)

benzocaine 12 % / lidocaine hydrochloride 5 % / tetracaine hydrochloride 1 % Topical Spray

Synonymbenzocaine 12 % / lidocaine hydrochloride 5 % / tetracaine hydrochloride 1 % Topical Spray
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthbenzocaine 120 MG/ML / lidocaine hydrochloride 50 MG/ML / tetracaine hydrochloride 10 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Spray
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 2566289)
Brands (RxCUI 2566289)

lidocaine HCl 5 % / racepinephrine HCl 0.01 % / tetracaine HCl 1 % Topical Gel

Synonymlidocaine HCl 5 % / racepinephrine HCl 0.01 % / tetracaine HCl 1 % Topical Gel
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthlidocaine hydrochloride 0.05 MG/MG / racepinephrine hydrochloride 0.0001 MG/MG / tetracaine hydrochloride 0.01 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Gel
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 2603492)
Brands (RxCUI 2603492)

tetracaine 1.9 % Topical Ointment

Synonymtetracaine 1.9 % Topical Ointment
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine 0.019 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Ointment
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 2673693)
Brands (RxCUI 2673693)

mineral oil 74.4 % / tetracaine 2 % Topical Ointment

Synonymmineral oil 74.4 % / tetracaine 2 % Topical Ointment
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthmineral oil 0.744 MG/MG / tetracaine 0.02 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Ointment
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 2685213)
Brands (RxCUI 2685213)

benzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine 2 % Topical Gel

Synonymbenzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine 2 % Topical Gel
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthbenzocaine 0.14 MG/MG / butamben 0.02 MG/MG / tetracaine 0.02 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Gel
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 308645)
Brands (RxCUI 308645)

benzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine 2 % Topical Ointment

Synonymbenzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine 2 % Topical Ointment
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthbenzocaine 0.14 MG/MG / butamben 0.02 MG/MG / tetracaine 0.02 MG/MG
Dosage and FormTopical Ointment
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 308647)
Brands (RxCUI 308647)

tetracaine 1 % Topical Cream

Synonymtetracaine 1 % Topical Cream
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine 10 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Cream
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 313246)
Brands (RxCUI 313246)

tetracaine 2 % Topical Solution

Synonymtetracaine 2 % Topical Solution
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthtetracaine 20 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 317161)
Brands (RxCUI 317161)

benzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine HCl 2 % Mucous Membrane Topical Solution

Synonymbenzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine HCl 2 % Mucous Membrane Topical Solution
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthbenzocaine 140 MG/ML / butamben 20 MG/ML / tetracaine 20 MG/ML
Dosage and FormMucous Membrane Topical Solution
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 543786)
Brands (RxCUI 543786)

TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthlidocaine 70 MG / tetracaine 70 MG
Dosage and FormMedicated Patch
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 644287)
Brands (RxCUI 644287)

lidocaine 7 % / tetracaine 7 % Topical Cream

Synonymlidocaine 7 % / tetracaine 7 % Topical Cream
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthlidocaine 70 MG/ML / tetracaine 70 MG/ML
Dosage and FormTopical Cream
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 687443)
Brands (RxCUI 687443)

chlorhexidine gluconate 0.05 % / tetracaine 0.015 % Oral Spray

Synonymchlorhexidine gluconate 0.05 % / tetracaine 0.015 % Oral Spray
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthchlorhexidine gluconate 0.5 MG/ML / tetracaine 0.15 MG/ML
Dosage and FormOral Spray
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 834301)
Brands (RxCUI 834301)

benzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine 2 % Mucosal Spray

Synonymbenzocaine 14 % / butamben 2 % / tetracaine 2 % Mucosal Spray
TypeSemantic Clinical Drug
Ingredient and Strengthbenzocaine 140 MG/ML / butamben 20 MG/ML / tetracaine 20 MG/ML
Dosage and FormMucosal Spray
Related queriesInteractions (RxCUI 999683)
Brands (RxCUI 999683)